Story Time for children of all ages
Newborns to school age children, with a parent or caregiver, every Monday at 11:15 AM
Music and Movement
Children ages 2-5 years old with a parent or caregiver, every Tuesday at 11:15 AM
All ages with a parent or caregiver, every Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30 PM
Story Time
Ages 18 months to school age with a parent or caregiver, every Thursday at 11:15 AM
Read To Rover
School age children 5 & up, every Thursday at 4:00 PM Sponsored by the K9 Kids 4H Club.
We also schedule special programs for the School Holidays and the summer! Please be sure to check our calendar, for all the latest offerings!
Local Schools:
Links out to https://www.mountkiscony.gov/residents/public_schools/index.php